Title 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 285, establishes a regulatory program for the management of OSSF's including minimum standards for planning materials, construction, installation, alteration, repair, extension, operation, maintenance, permitting, and inspection of OSSF's. Victoria, Calhoun, and Dewitt counties are authorized agents of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ). The authorized agent is responsible for implementing and enforcing the rules adopted under the Texas Health & Safety Code - Chapter 366.
To fulfill this responsibility, the authorized agents have established an agreement with the Victoria County Public Health Department Environmental Services Division. The Victoria County Public Health Department Environmental Services Division currently has 6 licensed Designated representatives. These licensed individuals review permit applications, site evaluations, planning materials, and conducts inspections on OSSF's.
A homeowner or landowner will be required to follow the below process for an OSSF Installation:
1) Selecting an OSSF System & Installer
The site and soil conditions determine the type of OSSF system that can be installed. A soil and site evaluator, licensed through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), is required to conduct a soil and site evaluation of the proposed site. Site and soil conditions include the type of soil (sand, sandy clay, clay, etc.), seasonal water tables, and restrictive horizons. There are several different types of OSSF systems including conventional (pipe and gravel), low pressure dosing, aerobic treatment with surface irrigation, and aerobic treatment with drip emitters. To locate a Licensed Site Evaluator and/or Installer you can search on the TCEQ website
2) Complete an OSSF Application
An application for a permit shall be submitted according to the process outlined in the On-Site Sewage Facility Application Packet provided by the Victoria County Public Health Department Environmental Services and must include the appropriate planning materials in accordance with 30 TAC § 285.5 of the State of Texas On-Site Sewage Facilities Rules and Regulatory Guidance [OSSF Rules].
Applications will be approved or denied within 30 days of receiving an application. If the application is approved an Authorization to Construct will be issued. If the application is denied we will notify the owner and Installer.
**Note: Incomplete applications will not be processed. Non-standard/Proprietary systems require a Professional Engineer or Registered Sanitarian design, and must be installed by an Installer that holds a Class II License from the State of Texas unless the homeowner is installing. A homeowner may install their own standard septic system but the owner must meet all permitting, construction, and maintenance requirements of the permitting authority.
3) Schedule an Inspection
An inspection should be called in no later than the 5th working day before the proposed date of the operation of the system. Once the OSSF system has been inspected and is approved for operation, the system can be put in use.